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DESARDI® Eco Fleece 170g - 1.37 x 50 m

AED 1,449.00
(VAT Included)

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About Printable Wallpaper

Printable wallpapers are specially designed large-format printing materials that can be applied to walls and flat surfaces. They provide the means to display custom designs and images in homes, offices, and public spaces. These wallpapers come in a wide range of materials, finishes, and adhesives to cater to various preferences and applications.


Printable wallpapers have a broad spectrum of uses. In residential settings, they serve as a creative tool for transforming interiors, allowing individuals to express their unique styles and preferences. In commercial spaces, such as offices, restaurants, and retail stores, they help establish distinct atmospheres and reinforce brand identity.

Public spaces, like museums, galleries, schools, and healthcare facilities, utilize printable wallpaper designs for informative displays, art exhibitions, and inspirational messages. They enhance both aesthetics and functionality.


Printable wallpapers offer numerous advantages. They allow for complete customization, enabling individuals and businesses to display one-of-a-kind designs, images, and messages.

These wallpapers provide an efficient way to refresh and update interiors without the need for extensive renovations, making them a cost-effective choice. Additionally, they are designed to be durable, ensuring that they maintain their visual appeal in various environments over time.

What Blue Rhine Offers?

As one of the best printable wallpaper suppliers in the UAE, we provide a diverse selection of high-quality printable wallpapers to meet your unique needs and preferences. Our range includes a variety of materials and finishes, ensuring that you can find the perfect solution for your project.

With our commitment to quality and customer support, Blue Rhine ensures that you have access to top-tier printable wallpaper products, along with expert guidance and assistance, to achieve outstanding results in your decorating and branding endeavors.

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