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About Backlit Flex

Backlit flex is a specialized type of flexible banner material designed for use in illuminated sign and display applications. It features a translucent composition that allows light to pass through, making it ideal for backlit displays.


This material is commonly used in various outdoor and indoor signage, such as illuminated billboards, lightbox displays, and airport signs, where vibrant and eye-catching graphics are essential to capture attention, especially in low-light conditions.


Backlit flex offers the advantage of producing vivid and captivating graphics, ensuring that your message or advertisement stands out, particularly in dimly lit environments. Its translucency allows for uniform illumination, creating visually striking displays.

What Blue Rhine Offers?

Blue Rhine provides a comprehensive range of backlit flex materials tailored to various needs, backed by a commitment to excellence and quality. Our selection encompasses different sizes and specifications, offering options to suit different display requirements.

Whether you're looking to create attention-grabbing outdoor advertisements or stunning indoor displays, our backlit flex solutions are designed to meet your specific needs with superior performance and visual impact.

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